The Internet "K-T Extinction Event" changed our world, spawning Amazon, eBay, and other online retail predators that nobody was prepared for.
Borders, Circuit City, CompUSA, Linins N' Things, Blockbuster, Mervyn's – were all Dinosaurs who wouldn't adapt to their changing world, making life easy for their powerful predators.
Yesterday, they buried Borders along with the other Big Box K-T Event casualties, because their executive leaders would not adapt to the changed world.
Adapting to a new world requires serious change, hard change, which most executives avoid, until it's too late, then they blame the predators instead of the K-T Event they underestimated.
Downsizing & Sharing Space simply create a continuing downward spiral with the same net result - bigger predators.
Social Media events, Glitzy coupons and Slick websites won't save your company – but a SuperCyberCenter© will (see below).
If you are an Innovative leader ready to adopt new strategies that Amazon, eBay and cannot duplicate – so you can fend off what they are already using against you, then call us today. If not . . . . Well ?? (This unique competitive advantage is available on a first come basis.)