Monday, December 21, 2009

Internet Juggernaut Trashing Your Malls

Too bad this isn't just a science fiction bad dream. The Internet Shopping “Juggernaut” is flattening mall sales by 11% that, within 5 years, will rise to 21% and then to 33% in 2020 (see government stats chart to enlarge image.)

And, mall owners can’t stop this beast from plundering your malls and hustling away your mall visitors to stay home and order online. So much for your mall sales and traffic counts (and new tenants and higher rents).

Fear Not. The Solution for Innovators and Early Adopters is at hand.

Look, the Internet is now ridiculously powerful - but it has its Achilles heel. IT’S TOO SLOW. 3 to 10 day delivery causes 30% of Internet orders to be returned (changed their minds and canceled before their orders arrived); nothing convenient or profitable about that.

The one thing this monster can't defeat is currently in your parking lots waiting to help you (our drivers). You can quickly turn this beast into a prince by joining our Network. So, when customers order from home or office, our Network processes, assembles, pays for and delivers from your malls’ stores usually within 30 to 45 minutes. Bonus: our at-the-door prices are less than in-store prices for participating stores.

Our Credentials: We’ve successfully created and implemented three other similar major industry-changing solutions and in every single case it was the “Innovators & Early Adopters” that sparked those industries’ revolutions. These 3 industries were: the Food Processing industry (our Innovator was: Kraft Foods); the Retail industry (our Innovator was: Sears); and, the Call Center industry (our Early Adopter was: Home Shopping Network). All were the Industry leader and all benefited enormously. I would love to discuss these with you.

In recognition of how our pioneering products improved lives and profits, we won many awards including a Smithsonian Award, President’s Award, Environmental Award, etc. But, the main reward has been improving the way the things work, for the benefit of all. In each case, our products & services became ubiquitous while also continuing to benefit the Innovators & Early Adopters and their industries. We’re ready to work with you to do the same.

As we now have a significant number of mall owners joining our patented worldwide Network, we suggest you call today to reserve your 2010 Network implementation date. We’re standing by to be of service.

Happy Holidays !
Gail Nichols

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fight Fire With Fire.

OK, so you're sick of hearing about it. But 15% of shopping malls’ sales (and overage rents) just went up in smoke, which will rise to 25% within 5 years. Somebody should be calling the fire department, or at least sounding the fire alarm. This is really serious stuff. Sure, the economy will get better, soon. But for mall owners, the Internet fire storm is getting even worse, much worse, and fast. Imagine, 25% of your mall no longer producing revenue, just as if it had burned to the ground.

But here’s a solution for innovators and early adopters that's fast, sensible and easy...

Fight Fire With Fire. You are not going to beat the Internet; it's here to stay. But the emergency fire extinguishers are sitting right outside your mall doors waiting to come to your rescue (our drivers).

Our Network processes your mall customers’ online & phone orders, assembles them in-store, pays for them and delivers them usually within 30 to 45 minutes. A heck of a lot faster than your tenants’ current online order delivery in 3 to 10 days with 30% returns due to customers who changed their mind or were not home (nothing convenient or profitable about that). And, our prices at-the-door to consumers for orders from participating stores are less than in-store prices. Even the Internet can’t beat that.

As we now have a significant number of mall owners joining our patented worldwide Network, we suggest you call today to reserve your 2010 Network implementation date. We’re standing by to be of service.

Best regards,

Gail Nichols
Vice Chair

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


As if times aren’t tough enough, the Internet is sinking mall sales and profits and tenants are actually promoting it in their stores inside the malls!

Many retailers do NOT promote their in-store promos in their email campaigns – just their online deals. Sure, their Head Offices need to keep up with their competitors’ websites which are now boasting online sales of 15% or more of their total sales…. And this is growing rapidly to 25% within 5 years.

This “tip of the iceberg” eye-opener substantially beats the government’s forecast (see chart below).

Remember, at one time, these sales were from stores in your malls. Not any longer…customers may browse in your malls but they end up ordering online with fulfillment from distant warehouses. How much can you afford to lose before you take action ?

There is a simple and effective solution for innovators & early adopters.

Yes, the Internet is here to stay, no question about it. So keep your ship afloat by offering your tenants a better solution than they currently have.

The Internet is mostly about convenience. Clearly 30 to 45 minute delivery beats the daylights out of 3 to 10 day delivery AND solves the stores’ Head Office problem of 30% returns due to inherently slow delivery. AND yes, with our solution, the delivery fulfillment price is actually less than in-store prices for participating tenant stores. So everyone wins: Consumers, your Tenants’ Stores and your Shopping Centers.

In recognition of how our pioneering products improved lives and profits, we won many awards including a Smithsonian Award, President’s Award, Environmental Award, etc. But, the main reward has been improving the way the things work, for the benefit of all. In each case, our products & services became ubiquitous while also continuing to benefit the Innovators & Early Adopters and their industries. We’re ready to work with you to do the same.

Best regards,
Gail Nichols

Monday, December 14, 2009

THE ELEPHANT IN YOUR MALLS: Who Invited The Internet Into Your Malls. The Stores Did !!

We know this sounds ridiculous, but Shopping Center owners really need to charge extra rent for the Internet “Elephant” that is now voraciously devouring your sales and traffic in your malls. These lost mall sales are huge; currently 10% to 15% of your customer purchases are now Internet off-premises sales ….growing rapidly to 25% within 5 years. And, you can’t stop this beast from roaming your malls, herding away your mall visitors as they browse and then go home to order ‘deals’ online. There go your mall sales and traffic counts (and new tenants and higher rents).

Innovators and early adopters can harness this elephant into bringing in paying customers. It’s Easy.

Look, elephants work for peanuts, and so does the Internet. Just turn it around, take it outside and put it in your mall parking lots (our drivers). Get our Network working for you for peanuts.

Bonus: we eliminate the 30% high-cost returns caused by 3 to 10 day delivery from your tenants’ online warehouse sales. Your customers will now get 30 to 45 minute fulfillment service (in-store shopping & delivery) via the Network from your participating retailers and at less cost than in-store. You just turned a gigantic disaster into a huge sales and goodwill benefit – using the same Internet Elephant. Except it’s now in your parking lots working for you for peanuts.

Our credentials are below. We have several major shopping mall owners in various stages of implementation. We’re standing by to be of service to you as well.

Our Credentials: We’ve successfully implemented three other similar major industry-changing solutions and in every single case it was the “Innovators & Early Adopters” that sparked those industries’ revolutions. These 3 industries were: the Food Processing industry (our Innovator was: Kraft Foods); the Retail industry (our Innovator was: Sears); and, the Call Center industry (our Early Adopter was: Home Shopping Network). All were the Industry leader and all benefited enormously. I would love to discuss these with you.

In recognition of how our pioneering products improved lives and profits, we won many awards including a Smithsonian Award, President’s Award, Environmental Award, etc. But, the main reward has been improving the way the things work, for the benefit of all. In each case, our products & services became ubiquitous while also continuing to benefit the Innovators & Early Adopters and their industries. We’re ready to work with you to do the same.

Standing by to be of service.

Happy Holidays !

Gail Nichols

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Winds Of Change: Internet Blowing Away Store Sales & Mall Overage Rents

As this holiday season draws near, The Winds Of Change are looming in shopping centers. Mall sales and traffic are being blown away by booming Internet shopping. AND, to make matters even worse for the mall owners, their tenants’ stores are actively promoting their off-premise e-commerce websites, driving still more customers’ purchases out of the malls.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is an easy and obvious, low cost solution for shopping center innovators and early adopters who are prepared to act NOW while there is still time. 

Our credentials are below. We have several major shopping mall owners in various stages of implementation of our proven turnkey solution. We’re standing by to be of service to you as well.

Our Credentials: We’ve successfully implemented three other similar major industry-changing solutions and in every single case it was the “Innovators & Early Adopters” that sparked those industries’ revolutions. These 3 industries were: the Food Processing industry (our Innovator was: Kraft Foods); the Retail industry (our Innovator was: Sears); and, the Call Center industry (our Early Adopter was: Home Shopping Network). All were the Industry leader and all benefited enormously. I would love to discuss these with you.

In recognition of how our pioneering products improved lives and profits, we won many awards including a Smithsonian Award, President’s Award, Environmental Award, etc. But, the main reward has been improving the way the things work, for the benefit of all. In each case, our products & services became ubiquitous while also continuing to benefit the Innovators & Early Adopters and their industries. We’re ready to work with you to do the same

Happy Holidays !


Gail Nichols

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Adapt Or Die. A Solution for Innovators and Early Adopters

Shopping center owners can no longer ignore the growing negative effect the Internet is having on your mall revenues, traffic and profits. Just 10 years ago, the Internet reduced your mall sales by less than 1%. But now, off-premise Internet sales exceed 10% of your total mall sales. Within the next 5 years, they will exceed 25% ….sucking your mall sales and traffic dry and taking your revenues below a sustainable critical mass (see chart below), unless you take immediate and proactive action.  (Note: click chart below to enlarge)

As you know, this catastrophic recession has forever changed consumer buying habits, causing them to shop online much more than ever before. Consumers have capitalized on the sheer convenience of the Internet, which cannot be understated nor can the cost savings. This Internet explosion is causing huge repercussions to the retail landscape. Virtually overnight, the car eliminated the 3,000 year old then-ubiquitous horse and buggy industry. The Internet is similarly annihilating the now-ubiquitous shopping center industry – but innovators and early adopters now have a clear and obvious defense.

Our Credentials: We’ve successfully implemented three other similar major industry-changing solutions and in every single case it was the “Innovators & Early Adopters” that sparked those industries’ revolutions. These 3 industries were: the Food Processing industry (our Innovator was: Kraft Foods); the Retail industry (our Innovator was: Sears); and, the Call Center industry (our Early Adopter was: Home Shopping Network). All were the Industry leader and all benefited enormously. I would love to discuss these with you.

In recognition of how our pioneering products improved lives and profits, we won many awards including a Smithsonian Award, President’s Award, Environmental Award, etc. But, the main reward has been improving the way the things work, for the benefit of all. In each case, our products & services became ubiquitous while also continuing to benefit the Innovators & Early Adopters and their industries. We now have several major shopping mall owners in various stages of implementation.  We’re ready to work with you to do the same.

Standing by to be of service,

Gail Nichols
Vice Chair

Monday, December 7, 2009

We Save Chief Financial Officers. Mall Sales Down & Internet Sales Way Up: What's A CFO To Do?

Every Shopping Center executive we talk to says the same thing – “All our stores are promoting their websites inside our malls, what can we do to recapture these lost sales ?”

Suggestion: Give your mall tenants a better and more profitable solution to attract new sales in-store. And, as a Profit Center, it puts more money in your pockets while stopping your losses to the Internet.

Consider this for your 2010 strategy – we call it the “Save A CFO Program” . . . it also saves tenants. 

Standing by to be of service.

Gail Nichols
Vice Chair & CFO

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Perfect Storm: Online Sales Draining Mall Revenues In A Disastrous Economy

The younger “Digital Generation” has embraced all things online, which is now negatively affecting shopping centers, their tenants’ stores and employees. This is on top of the current nasty economy, which therefore has a double negative effect. It’s the Perfect Storm affecting shopping center property owners and their retail tenants and will exponentially expand if unchecked.
Mall retail tenants are now very effectively promoting their e-commerce websites inside the malls and then shipping numerous orders from central distribution warehouses outside the malls ….these are orders that were created by people who first browsed inside malls (using the stores as mere showrooms) and then left for home or office and ordered online elsewhere – this “Barn Burner” situation is further harm to malls and every local store and employee therein. This scenario is the “Online Sales Draining Malls” we refer to in our recent blog post with the chart showing how online orders have reached the 'flash point' where they are overtaking in-store purchasing at a rapidly accelerated rate.

Good News! Our turnkey solution has proven to increase participating store sales by 15% and profits by 58% with incremental (thus higher profit) orders we fulfill in-store and deliver to the customer within 30 to 45 minutes (instead of 3 to 10 days from off-premise warehouses). This benefits consumers, stores and shopping center owners by recapturing lost revenues and improving customer service. As well, it virtually eliminates the usual 30% return rate of regular online orders (i.e. not home, changed mind, etc.) which directly improves the retailer’s profits at the head office level. 

Please let us know how we can be of service to you.  Implementation of our Network is as "Easy As Plugging In A Toaster"

Best regards,

Gail Nichols,
Vice Chair
