Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aventura Mall - One Hour In-Store Shopping and Delivery

Aventura Mall and area stores and restaurants (including the Food Court) are now offering you in-store shopping and delivery within one hour. 

Relax at home and browse products and prices online at AventuraNOWmall.com.  Your order will be assembled and delivered usually within 30 to 45 minutes by our CyberValet Shopper team.  Pay at your door with cash, credit cards or PayPal.

Most stores are distributing FREE Delivery passes at their cashier stations - so get several and pass them along to friends and neighbors.

Hungry?  Order for delivery from Ocean Prime restaurant via AventuraNOWmall.com.  You'll enjoy their delicous meals at your home or office without the need to get in your car.  Bon appetit !

Please let us know your comments on http://www.facebook.com/TheNowMall

Cheers !


Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's A Long Way Back From The Abyss - How To Save Your Shopping Mall

The government ‘Retail Sales’ stats chart (below) tells the overall industry story – actually, it’s worse if you adjust for 12.6% core retail sales currently being diverted from the malls in 2010 via online shopping.  And this online sales drain is projected to grow to 35% by 2020 - who will be left in the malls then?

Given all things, shopping malls have a huge hill to climb.  Truly an industry visionary is needed to turn the tide.... and it literally means 'thinking outside the box'.

Shopping malls are essentially big boxes built beside major vehicle traffic byways and highways and contain (hopefully) all your favorite stores and restaurants...or at least enough to cause you to get out of your easy chair, into your car (on on the bus) and make your way through the traffic and the parking lots to see what's new...and buy something.

Your other choice to shop is online...and that's what is so scary for owners and developers of shopping malls.  The trickle of online shopping in 1998 has turned into a torrent in 2010 - and soon will become a raging tsunami by 2020.  What does this mean for malls?  It means they need to find new ways to lure shoppers into their big boxes - and not just for entertainment - the bottom line for mall owners is on-site retail store sales.

Retailers are happy if you buy in-store and/or online - either way is a sale to their head office.  But only in-store purchases benefit the malls.

Retailers are busily upgrading their e-commerce sites to respond to burgeoning interest in shopping online. Problem is - 30% of all online purchases are returned.  Big cost to retailers and big hassle for customers.  No, it's not a savings to the retailer (or convenient for the customer) to have to go to the store to return the online purchase - although the retailer hopes you will (so you will buy something else while you're there).

How can malls make shopping more convenient, fun, hassle-free and relevant for you - the consumer?  Glad you asked!

What if you could browse local stores online and decide what you want to buy - then place your order online and get it delivered within 30 to 45 minutes (or whenever else you specified) instead of 3 to 10 days?  What if it cost you less delivered this way than if you went to the store yourself to get it?

That's the basis of our ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) program now being rolled out across the country by http://www.thenowmall.com/ in partnership with shopping mall owners as a new way to increase in-store sales while accommodating online shoppers.  Participating malls and stores will be distributing FREE Delivery Passes and many will be offering Customer Delivery Discounts + Online Passes you can print and redeem in-store for special deals.

We'll soon be announcing the "ROOF" mall locations via Twitter and on this blog as well as our website

You can help get your mall to offer ROOF faster - email your request to We Want ROOF NOW!  Tell us the name of your mall (including city and state).  We'll let you know their scheduled Opening Day.

Register yourself on TheNowMall.com as a Member (it's FREE to join) in your local Area.  We'll send you updates by email about Opening Day of ROOF in your local mall plus a VIP invitation to Opening Day Festivities!  Bonus for Members: When ROOF opens in your mall, you can transition to Advantage Membership that includes a 10% discount on all items you order for delivery via TheNowMall.com site PLUS you can choose your Favorite CyberValet Shoppers.  Membership has its privileges.

Together, we can save your favorite mall from the abyss and your neighborhood store owners will love you for it - including Grocers, Pharmacies, Retailers, Restaurants and Fast Food outlets.

And we promise our CyberValet Shopper Team will look after your local shopping needs with tender loving care - guaranteed!

Cheers !


Monday, July 5, 2010

Shopping Centers Can Offset Double-Dip Recession With ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment)

Here's how Shopping Centers can offset the Double-Dip recession with ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment)....

We continually mention the effect on mall sales by the rapidly growing number of “Internet-Savvy” Shoppers (76.3% of the population) because they are such an obvious problem (12.6% mall sales loss in 2010; growing to 32.6% by 2020), while ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) is such an obvious solution (25% mall sales gain - 100% guaranteed). 

Offering your customers our turnkey ROOF service with 1-Hour in-store shopping and delivery from any retailer and restaurant in your mall is a major competitive advantage to attract time-starved, convenience-oriented, cost-conscious consumers.  Especially when you distribute the ROOF FREE Delivery passes throughout your malls.


We have 4 other major constituents beyond “Internet-Savvy” Shoppers who comprise the full 25% sales gain, including: “Mobility Challenged” Shoppers (60% of population); “Convenience” Shoppers (80% of population); “Bulky Item” Shoppers (almost everyone) and “Extended Reach” Shoppers (everyone outside your normal trading areas).

Our concern, due to this economy, is we may not have emphasized the value of these other constituents enough – particularly “Extended Reach” Shoppers.

The current general anxiety about a possible “Double-Dip” Recession would, beyond the obvious immediate negative effect on mall sales, also extensively lengthen the recovery period.

Therefore, we reach into our “Kit-Bag” and pull out the “Extended Reach” Shoppers as a strong solution to this problem for Regional Shopping Centers.

A well-documented strategy to increase sales in a recession is to aggressively steal sales from your competitors. (Article)

ROOF is the Regional Mall's “Secret Weapon” allowing you to easily reach beyond your regular trading areas to attract customers and sales from competing regional malls and their tenants who now use “distance” to shield them from you.

It’s a wide open “Turkey-Shoot” for you, a marketing match-up that Regional Mall management can’t lose.

The other 4 ROOF shopper groups listed above also offer unique marketing and growth opportunities; most importantly, “Extensive Community Goodwill”.

With all these new constituents, there is a lot we can do together.

Given we start now, based on 3 to 4 weeks to prepare for your first mall's ROOF launch, we would be ready for "Back To School" shoppers.  Then, we would open your second round of malls before Thanksgiving to take advantage of the huge year-end holiday shopping season.

Looking forward to working with you and your Team.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Shopping Mall Retailers' New Offensive Sales Strategy - Sales Soared 400% - OUT of The Malls

Retail Stores' New Offensive Sales Strategy: Divert in-mall sales off-premises with in-store kiosks. (See Article) Mall owners lose and retailers win.

Shopping Mall Owners’ New Defensive Sales Strategy: Recapture these lost sales quickly + attract an entirely new and growing customer base for your malls….with a 100% guaranteed solution that’s so unique, it is patented.


“Time-starved consumers are finding it more convenient to browse items online instead of driving to the mall. But growth has been rapid, with online sales soaring nearly 400% since 2000.”

“As e-commerce continues to grow at robust rates — the sector posted a 10% year-over-year sales increase in the first quarter, according to market research firm ComScore Inc. — experts have predicted that online sales could grow to as much as 30% of total retail sales over the next few decades.”

"The entire retail industry, in one way or another, is becoming driven by digital, and the days of just going to the store and shopping are really declining" said ComScore. “We’re really at the tip of this iceberg."

DANGER: To continue to ignore evidence of the massive sales shift to the Internet is a perilous strategy. Sure, malls can try raising base rents to offset reduced overage but with mall sales p.s.f. declining, so go base rents. See Article

GOOD NEWS ! ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) is the 100% Guaranteed turnkey patented solution to recapture these lost sales + gain 5 new customer groups. ROOF immediately puts the Internet into mall properties as the highest form of Customer Loyalty and Social Media program. EVERYTHING: Delivered In A Flash®

1. ATTRACT FIVE (5) NEW CUSTOMER GROUPS: ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) is needed and desired by all time-starved, convenience-oriented, cost-conscious consumers, including:

a. “Internet Savvy” Shoppers (76% of population): ROOF provides 1 Hour service (in-store shopping and delivery) from shopping malls so customers don’t have to wait 3 to 10 days for online orders from afar.

b. “Mobility Challenged” Shoppers: Can’t easily get to malls: Seniors (12% of population); Caregivers (29% of population); Disabled (19% of population); plus Busy Families and Offices.

c. “Convenience First” Shoppers (80% of population): Local shoppers who prefer strip malls instead of large regional malls due to easier parking, less traffic, less walking, proximity to their homes.

d. “Extended Reach” Shoppers (25% of new local population): Currently outside local malls’ normal trading area (buying from other malls elsewhere).

e. “Bulky Items” Shoppers: They visit the malls often and purchase in its stores – but only what they can carry. They see what else they want, go home to order bulky items online – elsewhere.

2. GUARANTEED to Increase Mall Sales by 25% and Profits by 50% (or more).

3. GUARANTEED No Set-Up Cost Risk: 100% guaranteed refund of the one-time nominal ROOF set-up fee over 12 months from our ongoing 15% Rebate program.

4. ENORMOUS GOODWILL from Tenants and Community: Increase Customer Loyalty + in-store inventory turns + virtually eliminate the normal 30% return rate of online orders.

We’re seasoned professionals ready to work with you to install ROOF quickly and successfully in your malls. Various performance testimonials and references are available upon request.

Click Here for the entire brief ROOF for Shopping Centers slide presentation. Insure your properties against ongoing Internet losses with ROOF. And, gain a new customer base you’ve never been able to attract before.

The Problem is Clear. The Opportunity is Clear. To Start is Easy. Call or email us today !


P.S. We’re delighted to report that 8 of the Top 100 Shopping Center developers are in various stages of joining the Regional Mall ‘Internet Revolution’ with ROOF – the “Holy Grail” of Local Search & Shopping.

As our e-Newsletters can only provide a brief overview, we suggest you at least start your due diligence now…get that part behind you so you can see the other advantages we bring you prior to your making a ‘go-ahead’ decision. Please contact us for an in-depth analysis and strategy for your malls.

Gail W. Nichols - Vice Chair

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Awakening of the Shopping Center Industry

The Shopping Center Industry Internet Revolution Is Beginning.

For years, the Internet has been skimming off larger and larger portions of shopping center sales and revenues starting with 0.6% in 1998, rising to 12.6% today and reaching 32.6% by 2020. (See Government Stats above)

This article dated May 27, 2010 tells what’s coming next: Brick-and-mortar retailers kick up sales with (In-Store Online) kiosks: It states that for the first quarter of this year, Kohl's online sales jumped by 50%, better than expectations. Nordstrom's Internet sales were up 38.7%; Macy's, 34%; Urban Outfitters, 40%. Shoppers are more comfortable using the Internet after more than a decade of online shopping, but none of these sales are from your malls – and this trend is picking up speed.

These visionary industry leaders are now sounding the alarm based on their unique position in the industry:

In their Annual Report dated 5/24/2010; Adam Metz, CEO of General Growth Properties, says:

"In addition to bricks and mortar competition, we are increasingly facing competition from the internet. Many of our retailers have adopted multi-pronged strategies that include internet sales . . . . . . . whose main attributes are price and convenience."

"In the long run, we believe physical stores and on-line sales will be more closely integrated ….as this trend evolves, we are confident that GGP will remain at the forefront of serving the needs of our tenants and providing value to them and their customers." Full Report Click Here

In a report dated 5/24/2010: Greg Maloney, President and CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle retail division says:

Social and digital media (The Internet) is essential to the new retail environment. In the global real estate services firm's report, “Get Connected -- How to Harness the Power of Digital Media” social media has changed how consumers behave, communicate, gather information, socialize and shop . . . . . The overwhelming reality is that social media is increasing across all generations and the rules have changed . . . . . . The report found that 92% of consumer respondents rely on the Web to research and browse for products. Full Report Click Here

In their 2009 Annual Report dated 3/19/2010: David Simon, Chairman & CEO of Simon Property Group says:

Despite our success, we face challenges including Internet retailing – online retailers have an advantage because in many instances they aren’t required to collect sales tax from the consumer . . . Internet retailing sites also provide retailers with distribution options beyond existing brick and mortar retail properties. The existence of competitive alternatives could have a material adverse effect on our ability to lease space and on the level of rents we can obtain. Full Articles Here & Here

These industry leaders clearly outlined the need for shopping center owners to harness the Internet as an integral part of their future growth. Most others agree the Internet is here to stay and will be embraced by the industry as a new means of promoting in-mall sales. Today, very few owners or managers believe that strategic placement or redesign of their brick and mortar properties is all they need to do.

Our patented ROOF solution (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) immediately puts the Internet into your properties as the highest form of Customer Loyalty and Social Media Program. It also brings an additional series of new business that your properties have been missing for years. Collectively, these new local customers will reverse your Internet losses plus increase sales 25% and profits 50% or more. And it’s guaranteed.

ROOF immediately brings you 4 main customer groups you do NOT currently have and never will have without ROOF.

1. “Internet Savvy” Shoppers who 10 years ago were 1% of the population and 0.6% of sales, but today are 76.3% of the population and 12.6% of your core retail sales – AND growing to 32.6% of sales within 10 years. (See gov’t stats above)

2. “Mobility Challenged” Shoppers who can’t easily get to your shopping centers: Seniors; Caregivers; Disabled (temporary or permanent); Busy Families; Offices.

3. “Extended Reach” Shoppers who are currently outside your normal trading area (buying from competitive shopping centers elsewhere in town).

4. “Regular LOYAL” Shoppers who visit your shopping centers often. They see what they want and go home and order it online – elsewhere. They also order in your stores – but only what they can carry. You can double these sales if you provide ROOF – help them get it home quickly and inexpensively.

ROOF also improves your community goodwill and tenant goodwill as well as increases your sales 25% and profits over 50%.

The Shopping Center industry is awakening to customer demand for fast, convenient and affordable online shopping.

EVERYTHING: Delivered In A Flash®

ROOF’s customer loyalty and social networking program is so much more effective than the sum total of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Foursquare… and ROOF has real, verifiable, immediate results. ROOF has been called the “Holy Grail” of Local Search & Shopping.

We do it all. There is nothing for you, your tenants or your staff to do. ROOF is 100% turnkey – a Dream Come True.

The Shopping Center Internet Revolution Is Beginning:

As most shoppng center executives know, when we first brought the looming Internet sales threat to your attention almost a year ago, it was a complete surprise to many. You were blaming your lost sales on the then raging 2008 / 2009 economic collapse. However, it was this collapse that finally sparked the Internet’s explosive growth that, at first, was denied. But the significant ongoing growth of your tenants’ online sales by up to 50% last quarter caused everyone to begin reassessing the Internet’s real impact on mall sales and methods of defense. (See Gov’t stats above). There’s nothing fast or easy about innovation.

Today, virtually all shopping center executives we speak with are waiting for the first Major Industry Leader to show the way, vowing to join us when this Leader arrives. Who will this Industry Leader be ? For now, what we can say is we are well into due diligence with this Leader who has referred to our ROOF solution as “The Holy Grail” and also said, “we were waiting for someone to arrive with the solution”.

You are invited to join this Leader now to also gain significant Charter Member benefits including a ‘Mutual Win-Win Pricing & Rebate Plan” with an optional “Step-Up” Guarantee which repays your initial set-up and rebate cost in 12 months. Multi-center discounts apply. ROOF can increase your sales 25% and profits 50% or more. And it’s guaranteed.

We’re seasoned professionals ready to work with you to make it happen quickly. Various performance testimonials and references are available upon request.

Click Here for the entire brief ROOF slide presentation. Insure your properties against ongoing Internet losses with ROOF.

The Problem is Clear. The Opportunity is Clear. To Start is Easy. Call or email us today !

We're standing by to be of service,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Open Your Shopping Centers' ROOF: Let Higher-Spending E-Commerce Customers In

Just imagine, currently your best customers can’t buy in your shopping centers !

Today, e-commerce is a way of life. 76.3% of all Americans shop online. And, 85% of online shoppers purchase an average order of $180. But none of these online consumers can either shop or purchase online in your shopping centers. Not even your own family members.

Fact: 5% to 35% of your tenants’ sales are now online (and growing fast). These growing online sales are not coming from your malls…and never will – without ROOF.

Any chance you are still in the ‘brick-n-mortar-only’ frame of mind ? Modernize your properties to gain these E-Commerce customers and revenue plus improve relations with your tenants and local community. E-Commerce Is ‘Today’s World’ and your shopping centers need to be there. With ROOF: It’s Fast. It’s Easy. It’s Inexpensive.

ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) immediately brings you 5 main customer groups you do NOT currently have and never will have without ROOF.

1.  “Mobility Challenged” Shoppers who can’t easily get to your malls: Seniors; Caregivers; Disabled (temporary or permanent); Busy Families; Offices.

2.  “Convenience First” Shoppers who are the 80% of locals who prefer strip malls due to easier parking, less walking, proximity to their homes.

3.   “Extended Reach” Shoppers who are currently outside your normal trading area (buying from competitive shopping centers elsewhere in town).

4.  “Internet Savvy” Shoppers who 10 years ago were 1% of the population and 0.7% of sales, but today are 76.3% of the population and 12.6% of your core retail sales – AND growing to 35% of sales within 10 years.

5.  “Regular LOYAL” Shoppers who are in your malls every day. They see what they want and go home and order it online – elsewhere. They also order in your stores – but only what they can carry. You can double these sales if you provide ROOF – help them get it home quickly and inexpensively. ROOF also improves your community goodwill and tenant goodwill as well as increasing your sales 25% and profits over 50%.

ROOF is your insurance and hedge against recessionary downturns as well as greater e-commerce sales upticks: Thrifty shoppers always need ROOF since it saves them money and time.

Open your ROOF program today and let these new, higher-spending, e-commerce (and phone-order) customers in.

ROOF has been called the “Holy Grail” for shopping centers – but your customers who really NEED it still don’t have it ! Your innovative dynamic leadership is required.


Retailers Report Online Sales Growing:

1. JCPenney: Article “it's counting on Internet sales, now just 9% of its $17.5 billion in annual revenue, to deliver $1 billion in sales growth over the next five years.”

2. Sears Holdings: Article  Sears is pouring money into beefing up its online business in an effort to become relevant to a new generation of shoppers. “Sears and Kmart stores aren't going away, but they could be a hybrid of what they are today”, said Edward Lampert.

3. Macy’s: Article “Internet customers carry growing value. Having already passed the $1 billion mark in annual online sales, Macy’s is now shooting for $2 billion, with plans to reach digital audiences by spending, for the first time, a double-digit percentage of its marketing budget on search, display, social and other online media this year.

4. Kohl’s: Article  Annual web sales increased 38.1% Comparable-store sales increased year over year 0.4%. “We're making a major new investment in capital and infrastructure in our e-commerce business to fuel future growth,” CEO Kevin Mansell “Based on our research and our own results, it appears that our opportunity in this business is substantially larger than we originally envisioned.”

5. Chico’s: Article Direct-to-consumer sales, not included in comparable store sales, increased 42% Comparable store sales increased 14.6%.

6. Williams Sonoma: Article  “It hopes that new economy e-commerce, not traditional stores, will pave the way to growth.” “E-commerce is our fastest growing and most profitable channel,” Lester concluded. It also keeps shoppers engaged with the retailer even if they are shy about stopping by the store and tripping their frugality up with temptation.

7. Ann Taylor: Article  Internet sales up by more than 50% comparable-store sales should grow 15%.


DANGER: To continue to ignore the evidence of the massive sales shift to the Internet is a perilous strategy.

GOOD NEWS ! We have a time-proven patented solution to recapture lost sales and gain new sales – and it’s 100% turnkey. Plus, it has a 6 month payback.

We’re seasoned professionals ready to work with you to make it happen quickly. Various performance testimonials and references are available upon request.

Here’s The Deal: Make it happen in your shopping centers today to earn special rebates on ROOF orders in your shopping centers. We do it all. There is nothing for you, your tenants or your staff to do. Multi-center discounts apply.

More info is in our brief ROOF slide presentation.

The Problem is Clear. The Opportunity is Clear. To Start is Easy. Call or email us today !

Looking forward to working with you,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bellwether Warning to Shopping Centers: Simon Sales Down $9 Billion 7.9%

On February 5, 2010, David Simon announced Simon Property Group’s sales were down to $433 per square foot from $470, a $9 billion (7.9%) loss in sales in one year. This was their largest sales loss EVER in spite of their $93.5 million sales & marketing budget. They also reported overage rents dropped $15.3 million (15.3%) in the same period. Most shopping center REITS reported similar lower sales and overage stats. Many ask, “What’s happening ?!”

Some shopping centers’ sales are down as much as 25%. Owners are praying for a fast recovery of the economy, not the ‘dead cat bounce’ some predict.

QUESTION: Is this loss really the fault of the economy as everyone believes ? Will things get better when the economy recovers ? Or is there something else more insidious ?

CONSIDER: Retail sales are up 0.3%. (See Article) But most retailers are reporting in-store sales down by 5% to 15% as confirmed by Simon. So, what happened ?

EVIDENCE: When you look around in your shopping centers, you’ll notice your retailers promote their e-commerce websites in your stores. Their Internet sales are rising rapidly as their in-store shopping center sales continue to fall at your expense. (See Article) As in-store sales fall, so do your overage rents (confirmed by Simon); then your vacancy rate starts climbing. (See Critical Article and Article )   More proof: Forrester Research says 53% of Shopping will be Online by 2014. (See Article)  “This year, 162 million people in the US will research products online. Over 82% of online researchers, or 133 million people, will be online buyers.” (See Article).

HISTORY: Shopping Center owners in 2001 were saying: “online sales of 0.7% are not a factor, but if e-commerce ever reached over 10% it would then be a huge factor”. (See Article) Shockingly, core e-commerce retail sales (excluding auto, travel, etc) are now over 12.6% (see chart below). BUT HERE’S WHAT EVERYBODY IS FORGETTING: In 2001, when the 0.7% of sales left shopping centers for the Internet, owners didn’t care. But it stayed away. It never came back. Then the next year, another 0.7% disappeared, again unnoticed, nobody cared. Again, it too never came back.

Consumer habits were changing in favor of the Internet while shopping center owners continued to be oblivious to the subtle Internet growth transforming our society. (See Article) All of a sudden, this sales ‘disappearance’ became 12.6% – all gone, but they didn’t even notice it going. Many shopping center owners are still in the denial stage, saying; “it’s just the economy”. (Important Article Here) Generally, first there is denial, then panic when reality sets in.

TODAY: When the economy crashed, consumers ran to the Internet in increasing droves. The 0.7% yearly compounding increase in sales lost to the Internet all of a sudden became a tsunami erasing AN ADDITIONAL 7.9% in one year, as Simon reported. When you add the 10-year cumulative loss of 12.6% to the last 1-year loss of 7.9% = 21% of your core sales vanished ….all starting 10 years ago, when nobody cared. Those in denial will say things like “it has reached its peak, it won’t go higher”. But you know Internet e-commerce is only 10 years old – it’s just warming up. We can’t blame the economy; brighter days are still 12 to 18 months away (maybe more). Look back 10 years, put the blame there, and tell us what you now see for the future of shopping centers – short term & long term.


Macy’s: Internet sales are up 26% ; in-store sales are down 5.3% (Article)

Sears: Internet sales are up to $2.7 billion (Article) 6.13% of overall sales; overall sales are down $2.3 billion

JCPenney: Internet sales are up to $1.3 billion (Article) 6.7% of overall sales; overall sales are down $930 million

Borders Books: Internet sales are up 32.2%; 2.9% of their overall sales; in-store sales are down 14.4% (Article)

Williams-Sonoma: Internet sales are up 15% (Article) to 36.5% of overall sales; overall sales are down 7.7%

J. Crew: Internet sales are up 3.6%; overall sales are down 6.5% (Article)

Barnes & Noble: Internet sales are up 17% to 12.1% of overall sales; in-store sales are down 5.4% (Article)

Neiman Marcus: Internet sales are up 9.9% to 17.2% of overall sales; in-store sales are up only 1.9% (Article)

Best Buy: Internet sales are up to $ 2 billion dollars; 4% of their overall sales (Article)

Staples: Internet sales are up $2.1 billion to $7.7 billion; 37.5% of their overall sales (Article)

Urban Outfitters: Internet sales are 21.8% of overall sales; comparable-store sales increased only 4.0% (Article)


DANGER: To continue to ignore the evidence of the massive sales shift to the Internet is a perilous strategy.

GOOD NEWS ! We have a time-proven patented solution to recapture lost sales – and it’s 100% turnkey. Plus, it has a 6 month payback.

We’re seasoned experts ready to work with you to make it happen quickly.

I look forward to your call or email when you’re ready to reclaim your lost sales, tenants and profits….The Phoenix rising….

Gail W. Nichols - Vice Chair

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sometimes Common Sense Is Revolutionary

Consider: Your biggest retail tenants are now reporting online sales growth of 26.6% while in-store sales fell 5.3%. (See Article Here) Many are now reporting online sales close to 20% of total sales. (See Article Here) Major anchor tenants are cannibalizing their in-store shopping center sales because their customers want the convenience of online shopping AND their competitors are trying to catch up. (These reports are all readily available online.) Not a great trend for shopping centers.

Now Consider: No consumer wants 3 to 10 day delivery for online orders shipped across the country from some remote warehouse which is the root cause for the 20% to 30% return rates that destroy your tenants’ online profitability, particularly when your tenants’ best selling inventory is already sitting in your Shopping Centers – 10 minutes from your customers’ homes & offices !

The Simple Common Sense Opportunity: Get These Online Sales Back Into Your Shopping Centers.

For the first time ever, you can now use the power of your Shopping Centers together with our 100% turnkey ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) program to offer your local customers and tenants affordable & convenient 30 to 45 minute 7 / 24 / 365 online shopping & delivery from your tenants’ stores with far less cost, virtually zero returns, and 25% to 35% increased Store sales and profits. This brings you 12% to 18% higher Shopping Center profits and enhanced customer loyalty that were previously only a fantasy.

Consumers love it, including seniors, people with disabilities, busy families & offices. Your tenants will join quickly due to significantly higher profits available on their new ROOF sales.

Only ROOF offers the lowest cost multi-channel marketing & distribution solution with on-demand In-Store shopping with delivery in 30 to 45 minutes 24 / 7 / 365 for all time-sensitive commodities (Grocery, Retail, Pharmacy, Restaurant) – a “Space Age” hybrid of conventional national courier companies.
And ROOF is 100% turnkey, we do it ALL for you including explaining and negotiating everything for you with your tenants (most head offices already know us). There is nothing for you or your staff to do.

Note: Your project management group may not want responsibility for something new (even though ROOF is 100% turnkey) – but it’s actually a significant benefit to your company’s vested internal Champions as ROOF is a powerful extension of your current tenant relations strategies.

More info is in the following selected slides. Click Here for the entire brief ROOF slide presentation

Special Limited Time Offer: As an early adopter, you can choose 3 to 5 shopping centers for a field trial for 9 months, FULLY GUARANTEED. I look forward to answering any questions.

The Problem is Clear. The Solution is Clear. To Start is Easy. Click Here

Cheers ! Gail

Friday, March 12, 2010

Retailer "Space Age" Multi-Channel Marketing & Distribution Program

Your stores hold the secret to uncovering your “Acres Of Diamonds” solution that increases profits 75%.

35% of all core retail sales will soon be Online as busy consumers adopt online shopping with continuously growing momentum.

But, Chain stores are losing the online market share battle with web-only retailers, a dangerous trend for chain store marketing executives. (see article Click Here) Heavy discounting is not the solution: Space Age service is. 

Every consumer alive prefers fast, economical delivery (“Beam-me-up-Scotty”). Nobody DESIRES the current 3 to 10 day delivery for online orders. And, as you know, 3 to 10 day delivery is the root cause for the 20% to 30% return rates that destroy current e-commerce profitability…..an overwhelming challenge for your e-commerce team.

Your Acres of Diamonds: Use the power of your stores together with our 100% turnkey ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) program to quickly offer your customers affordable & convenient online shopping & delivery from your stores with 30 to 45 minute service 7 / 24 / 365 with far less cost, virtually zero returns and amazingly higher profits than your current e-commerce program.

Simple Common Sense: Your customers’ homes and offices are 10 minutes away from your local stores & inventory that are sitting there, ready to go. Why ship things half-way across the country from a remote warehouse in 3 to 10 days with higher costs and 20% to 30% return rates when, at less cost and virtually no returns, you can get your products to your customers when they really want them – 30 to 45 minutes 24 / 7 / 365 ? Your store sales will go up, as will your inventory turns and your profits plus you will have happier customers and more of them. 

ROOF is your lowest cost multi-channel marketing & distribution solution to the above sales & profit dilemma. 

Your stores are already fully equipped – nothing else is required and there is nothing extra for you or your store staff to do as ROOF is 100% Turnkey - We Do It All For You. All you have to do is “Flip The Switch” . . .

Only ROOF offers on-demand In-Store shopping with ‘regular’ delivery in 30 to 45 minutes for all consumer daily needs – truly a “Space Age” hybrid of conventional national ‘next-day/week service’ courier companies. 

Standing by to turn on your ROOF Space Age service for myriad new customers and sustainable higher profits. 


P.S. Click Here for the entire brief ROOF slide presentation

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Acres Of Diamonds Are Sitting In Your Shopping Centers

Acres Of Diamonds” are right under your feet. Now is your time to really score, if you look carefully.
  1. I think you will agree your tenants’ in-mall sales are relatively flat due to the economy.
  2. I think you will also agree the Online deals they promote in your shopping centers take even more sales out of your malls.
  3. You may also agree that, as busy consumers adopt online shopping with continuously growing momentum, 35% of all core retail sales will soon be Online. (See government stats chart below)
  4. But, what you probably don’t know is that your major tenants are losing the online market share battle to powerful web-only retailers, a dangerous trend for chain stores. (see article Click Here) Seems like bad news for shopping center owners – right ?? No – It’s All Great News. You now stand to score really big...AND SO DO YOUR TENANTS. Here’s how…
To win the huge 35% Online sales battle against powerful Internet retailers; “Space Age” service is your tenants’ only profitable solution. Every consumer alive prefers fast economical delivery (“Beam-me-up-Scotty”).  Nobody DESIRES the current 3 to 10 day delivery for online orders.

And, as you know, 3 to 10 day delivery is the root cause for the 20% to 30% return rates that destroy your tenants’ current Online sales profitability. Your tenants are in a bad box.

Here is Your “Acres Of Diamonds” Opportunity:

YOUR ACRES OF DIAMONDS: Use the power of your shopping centers together with our fully turnkey ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) Space Age program to quickly enhance your ROI. ROOF offers your customers and tenants affordable & convenient online shopping & delivery from your tenants’ stores with 30 to 45 minute service 7 / 24 / 365 with far less cost, virtually zero returns and amazingly higher profits than regular online ordering.

ROOF is the lowest cost multi-channel marketing & distribution solution to the above sales & profit dilemma, providing 25% to 35% increased store and mall sales, with 12% to 18% higher MALL profits and enhanced customer loyalty that were only a fantasy until now.

Tenants’ stores & inventory are sitting IN YOUR SHOPPING CENTERS, ready to go right now – 10 minutes from your customers’ homes & offices. Web-only retailers simply can’t match this.  Careful thinking about this says…It’s the yellow brick road to your future.

With ROOF, you hold the keys to the future growth and survival of many of your tenants – commanding higher rent and higher caliber tenants. Here’s why & how.

Here’s The Deal:  ROOF needs 35 to 65 participating stores to open a service area incorporating one or more shopping centers in a 5 to 7 mile radius. We can’t do it one store at a time. To get your “Acres Of Diamonds” of new sales, profits, walk-in traffic & property values, we need to work together. Yes, we pay you to increase your profits

On top of the increased rent, traffic and property value we bring you, we also pay you a sales rebate from our revenue from your tenants when you equip your malls with ROOF.  Now you have regained full control over the destiny of your significant retail properties.

Within 12 months, we’ll bring back your lost Online sales (currently a 10% to 14% drain) PLUS new local online sales (8% to 12%) + more walk-in traffic (7% to 10%) and increase your current profits by 12% to 18%. If there is any doubt, let’s do a multi-location field trial to prove it to you. The “Diamonds” are now in your pockets, not in your dreams.

Standing by to turn on your ROOF Space Age service for new customers and higher profits. (Click Here to see how)

Gail W. Nichols - Vice Chair

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We Save Your Declining Malls & Their Property Values

As consumer demands expanded, malls changed from town centers in the 50’s to mega regional malls today.

Then, in 2008The Perfect Storm” recession sparked the INTERNET EXPLOSION diverting core mall sales to off-premises online retailers.

These lost sales caused store vacancy rates to rise and thus mall profits, property values & market cap to plummet. Retail sales are beginning to return but mostly to online retailers. 

TARP expects this trend to continue through 2014 as $1.4 trillion of commercial real estate values decline; half are “underwater” with secured bank debt coming due. (Bloomberg)

ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) increases mall sales 25% to 35% & walk-in traffic 8% to 12%.

ROOF is a turnkey multi-channel sales, marketing & fulfillment network enabling shopping center tenants to offer customers low cost, economical online shopping & delivery from their stores in 30 to 45 minutes, 7 / 24 / 365. ROOF appeals to affluent professionals, busy families, offices, seniors, disabled and others .…. When They Just Can’t Get Out Or Have Better Things To Do®

ROOF Refurbishes & E-Commerce-Enables declining malls back into healthy growth properties by doubling your malls’ trading area and significantly changing your malls’ demographics to higher income online convenience shoppers who are now 74% of the population, increasing the market for online shopping 40% in the last 2 years. (AC Nielsen)


1. Your tenants need ROOF’s new online orders fulfilled in their stores with higher incremental profits;

2. Consumers want (and often need) ROOF’s low cost, enhanced customer service;

3. Refurbish your malls to the INTERNET AGE with ROOF online sales providing you new income, thus securing your property values, higher rent and market cap.

BONUS: ROOF is your 5th virtual online mall for every 4 bricks-n-mortar malls you own. While revitalized sales are important – your bankers are looking for long term verifiable NEW income-producing solutions.

Skeptical ?  Sure you are !

Mall failure is colossally expensive. With ROOF, all this changes. (See “Our Credentials” slide below)

ROOF helps you improve 3 areas of high importance:

1. Refurbish & E-Commerce-Enable your declining malls;

2. Refurbish & E-Commerce-Enable your other more successful malls;

3. Stabilize and increase your overall LONG TERM profits, property values and market cap

ROOF’s TURNKEY Multi-Channel Sales, Marketing & Fulfillment Network:

A. Signs your tenants including major retailers,

B. Provides the enabling technology and call center,

C. Sponsors FREE Delivery,

D. Coordinates the drivers.

There is nothing for you as a mall owner or your staff to do.

1. We’ll Refurbish & E-Commerce-Enable 1 to 3 of your most troubled properties with a new ROOF program.

2. Each mall needs approximately 40 to 60 (or more) active stores to quickly reach local area consumer critical mass awareness & participation – thus quickly ramping up your recovery, income & long-term solution.

3. The average cost to build new malls is $250 per sq ft. However, the one-time cost to Refurbish & E-Commerce-Enable your malls with ROOF averages 1/10 of 1% of new building costs. With ROOF, your annual ROI is 25 times your one-time ROOF set-up cost, not considering enhanced property values or market cap.

4. List your selected location(s), their property manager(s) and the challenge(s) we need to overcome for you. All we ask is your testimonial upon our success for you.

5. Call or email us today, as we will focus on a limited group of high risk projects. Any delay risks your loss of these readily available new ROOF sales, profits and traffic and very possibly the loss of your declining properties.

CAUTION: Your leadership with your tenants is essential.

 If you wait for all your tenants to join before you join, you will lose your critical mass opportunity and thus substantial ROOF income from overage rents and rebate incentives.

 To expect consumers to flock back to your malls when the economy improves is to overlook the key reason they left….they prefer to shop online for convenience & savings.

 Shoppers will return when you offer them greater convenience at lower cost with ROOF service in 30 to 45 minutes from your tenants’ stores (rather than ordering from remote warehouses with delivery in 3 to 10 days with 30% returns)

 That’s why ROOF is a vital tool to use now in your declining malls’ recovery strategy.

ROOF is a program you can take to your bank.

Click Here for our brief slide presentation. Then, email us with any questions or send your starting information above. We look forward to assisting you NOW !


Gail W. Nichols - Vice Chair


Thursday, January 14, 2010

If Mall Developers Nationwide Sponsored It..

Innovative executives in some of the Top 30 shopping mall developers are working with us after years of R&D and field trials in various cities to provide stores with a powerful means of recapturing rapidly growing Internet sales in-store that are going to online competitors (e.g. Amazon, eBay and many others). Importantly, this will also bring new sales from 80% of local shoppers that can’t easily travel to stores (i.e. seniors, disabled, busy families and offices).

We are working aggressively with these malls to offer retailers an extraordinary national Rapid Online Order Fulfillment (ROOF) Network providing local 30 to 45 minute Order Fulfillment (In-Store Shopping & Delivery), 24/7/365.

To register your opinion in joining this National Consortium, go to http://bit.ly/7LcvcM

The ROOF Network is a revolutionary and dynamic: Sales; Multi-Channel Marketing; and Distribution system that eliminates the 30% returns that most retailers experience with online orders delivered in 3 to 10 days from their remote warehouses. ROOF will not replace successful e-commerce warehouses but will strongly enhance them. ROOF At-The-Door pricing is LESS than In-Store pricing from fully participating retailers.

ROOF is patented with proprietary technology; extensively field-tested; and is based on our 30 years experience with major retailers from coast to coast; a particular advantage considering that so many others have tried and failed to succeed in this significant market. (Note: click image below to enlarge)

Participating stores will experience a 15% sales increase (or much more for aggressive stores); and, most importantly, these new incremental sales will give you a profit increase of 45% to 90% which we would like to demonstrate to you. There is no cost to join as we jointly sponsor this cost with the mall developers.

We have been asked by these mall developers to contact you to ask if you would be willing or interested to join such a National Network for local Rapid Online Order Fulfillment for your stores. Your response will assist in further creating this Consortium with these, and other malls, which is essential for a fully national program as no single mall covers all areas.
Malls are an essential part of the Network Consortium as each Rapid Order Fulfillment Area with a 6 to 10 mile radius requires a minimum of 50 complementary participating stores to begin; otherwise it would not be cost-effective for any of the 5 key Consortium Group Members (i.e. Stores, Malls, Consumers, Driver Network, and TheNowMall.com)
To register your opinion in joining this National Consortium, go to http://bit.ly/7LcvcM
Respondents will be offered periodic update reports

Your Comments, even skeptical, would also be appreciated. A link to our slide presentation deck is also on this page.

I'm looking forward to your comments !

Best regards,

Gail Nichols