Monday, December 5, 2011

Google has just confirmed everything we’ve ever told you – the future of e-commerce is CONVENIENCE.

Retailers who can deliver their products immediately with FREE Delivery will be the big winner – and Google intends to be that winner, taking all.
Good News:  The Ultimate Shopping Convenience®  Delivered In A Flash® The Last Mile Of The Internet® already exist – ready for retailers to use nationwide NOW.  Proven and 100% turnkey.
Respectfully:  Our 1-Hour service (usually 30 to 60 minutes) beats Google’s Same-Day program HANDS DOWN.  Bonus: We sponsor FREE Delivery (which no other service provider does).
PLUS joining us today puts major retailers as the real market leader in their industry with local Third Party Seller Store SALES & PROFIT Royalties that Google is now trying to get.
As you probably now realize, the E-commerce market is heating up much more quickly than anyone expected – all because of Rapid Delivery to which we are the ONLY Experts.
National retailers need to join us today while their industry exclusive still exists. (see details below these 3 articles)
Search giant Google is reportedly in talks with retailers and shippers about deploying a new system that would enable online shoppers to have same-day or next-day delivery for a low fee.

If successful, the speedy delivery system could pose a serious threat to the leading seller of online goods.

According to The Wall Street Journal, retailers, many of which feel threatened by Amazon’s prowess, have expressed an interest in signing onto Google’s project.
Google Inc. is aiming to challenge the e-commerce supremacy of Inc. by diving deeper into the fast-growing world of Internet retailing.

The Web-search giant is in talks with major retailers and shippers about creating a service that would let consumers shop for goods online and receive their orders within a day for a low fee, said people familiar with the matter.
"Fast, faster, fastest," is the new policy.

Same day shipping is the Mecca of online commerce

Wal-Mart is preparing for the end of the Big Box era.

Shipping also integrates online and stores more, by effectively turning Wal-Mart stores into distribution hubs.
These Registered Trademarks are a glimpse of the most dynamic & powerful TRUE solution to national retailers’ current competitive nightmare – Walmart & Amazon.
The Ultimate Shopping Convenience®;   Delivered In A Flash®;   When You Just Can’t Get Out Or Have Better Things To Do®;   The Last Mile Of The Internet® 
Overview of this Decade’s TWO Biggest Retail Innovations:
1.       SuperCyberCenter© (SCC):  a HYBRID online “Marketplace” with Third Party Sellers similar to Amazon, eBay and Walmart but much more powerful:
A ‘Hybrid’ because we add a patented upgrade – we include “LOCAL”  physical stores;  restaurants; pharmacies, grocers & retailers with unique fashion and/or time-sensitive commodities as Third Party Sellers.  Not available on Amazon (or anywhere else).
This is an astoundingly lucrative new Third Party Seller profit source enabling Major National Retailers to dramatically increase their in-store sales from LOCAL cross-marketing and our powerful EVERGREEN Free Cash Flow “War Chest” program.  This locally-focused Neighborhood initiative is a strategy that Amazon, without local stores, simply cannot EVER match.  Our patents cause Walmart to try the “back-door” into a unique Hybrid business they know nothing about.
2.       ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment©): a HYBRID FedEx/UPS for their local stores AND their SCC Third Party Stores.
A Hybrid because we add our 100% Turnkey LOCAL In-Store Shopping + Rapid Delivery both usually within 30 to 60 Minutes 24 / 7 / 365 using our proprietary and excellent Shared Workforce.  No single retailer, no matter how large, can do this without Third Party Stores co-operating in sharing a “much” larger driver pool to cover their volatile Peaks & Valley periods; it takes an entire neighborhood in scope and years of experience doing it (similar to Amazon’s 10 year lead online and Walmart’s 30 year lead in-store).
This enables Major National Retailers to earn substantial income from their increased in-store sales & profits reclaimed from Amazon & Walmart (and other local competitors) due to Rapid Shopping & Delivery (30 to 60 minutes – 24 / 7 / 365) instead of same-day, next-day, or up to 10 day more expensive in-house fulfillment with FedEx/UPS delivery. 
THEN ADD their new EVERGREEN Free Cash Flow “War Chest” from all ROOF rapid fulfillment orders through their Third Party Seller storesAgain, nobody else can match this, it’s “The Last Mile Of The Internet®literally.
Another Consideration: Delivered prices of their products via ROOF can be the same or less than in-store prices and are more profitable than if delivered by UPS / FedEx since their store staff do not assemble, package or deliver ROOF orders PLUS we pay before we leave the storeROOF is 100% turnkeyWe also sponsor Free Delivery (unlike FedEx and UPS). 
Hidden Windfall:  They also save their current significant cost of the 20% to 30% returned online orders shipped by USPS, UPS or FedEx.  Our online discount coupons redeemable in-store are FAR less expensive, easier to use and faster to update than regular online daily deal sites like Groupon, which they can add to or change at any time without some else’s approval – a huge ADDITIONAL selling point for their Third Party Stores.
A.      There are 600± neighboring Third Party Stores around each of their local stores = cross-marketing and use of our shared rapid in-store shopping & delivery workforce which destroys Amazon’s and Walmart’s basic online marketing tool of same-day, next-day to 10 day home delivery.
B.      The above programs (SCC + ROOF) are available on an exclusive industry and area basis so they can immediately recover their market share from their local competitors as well as from Amazon and Walmart.
As the only major game-changing / industry-changing solution in sight, we enable them to significantly boost their share value with a proven HYBRID online LOCAL marketplace with EVERYTHING: Delivered In A Flash®  24 / 7 / 365 that nobody else can even closely match – including FedEx, UPS, Amazon. Walmart or their local competitors.
Initial ramp-up capital cost payback for their branded SuperCyberCenter with ROOF is 9 to 14 months on our conservative “Plan A” (which we are pleased to send upon request); or 6 to 9 months on our less conservative Plan B (full marketing plan); and immediate (2 to 3 months) on our aggressive Plan C (which we have already done for one of the World’s largest US retailers and can validate from their statistics in detail). 
And remember, as results of their initial benchmark city roll forward, this increases the speed, payback time and Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) of ongoing ramp-up in the next cities.  Based on a very high Internal Rate Of Return, this puts this project to the top of their investment list and allows rapid national & international rollout with very little invested capital beyond the initial benchmark cities.
“To be, or not to be, that is the Question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer the Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles”  William Shakespeare
We hope you will share this information with major retailers so they can secure their Industry exclusive position to defend their stores with our proven weapons recently adopted by Google, Amazon and Walmart to provide:  The Ultimate Shopping Convenience®

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