Monday, September 5, 2011

Who Wins? Juggernauts, Innovators, Caretakers or Undertakers: A Surprising Conclusion

AMAZING – Amazon’s Sales Growth Just Beat Walmart’s . . . But Here’s The Shocker !

In 2010, Amazon’s sales growth was $5.3 Billion, while Walmart’s sales growth was only $3.8 Billion !  10 years ago, Amazon barely existed.

In the 24 months ending 12/2010 and 01/2011 respectively, Amazon’s sales growth was $15 Billion and Walmart’s sales growth was $17.5 Billion.  TOTALING $32.5 Billion “NEW” SALES.

The Shocker is:  COLLECTIVELY they are tracking to reach $33.8 Billion  NEW GROWTH THIS YEAR ALONE (equaling the last 2 years).  That’s $66.3 Billion GROWTH in the last 3 years !!

Where did these Juggernauts’ incredible $66.3 Billion NEW sales growth come from during this sluggish economy ?  Let’s do a little exploring.

These sales came from other retailers (including mall tenants).  But, you may ask, which retailers lost this incredible amount of sales, and where will this year’s greater losses come from ?

Some innovative companies are still winning new sales against these Juggernauts (as well as from other retailers) as shown in the following graph.

HOWEVER, companies don’t win or lose – only their senior management teams do.

Let’s evaluate the following management team profiles to discover who the Winners & Losers are and who is most likely to win LONG TERM against these Juggernauts.

But first, take this simple test that allows you to DEBATE these remarkable conclusions from your senior management team’s unique perspective as a Winner or Loser.

OK, First let’s explore these interesting Profiles to discover Who will most likely be the LONG TERM Winner:

JUGGERNAUTS:  were first to discover a new “RADICAL Game-Changing System”, which they quickly exploited to the fullest before anyone else even knew it existed.  Then along came the “copycats” who tried knock-off copies that inevitably failed against the sheer power and knowledge of these Juggernauts, at great cost to the “copycat’s” brand and balance sheet as well as their time lost to find and implement more productive solutions.

INNOVATORS:  are ALWAYS open to new ideas and new challenges.  They take calculated risks that Caretakers would never consider.  They win more often than they lose.  So this team is always very busy with other great and challenging projects.  The problem is:  there is a huge waiting list for access to their time.  BUT, “radical game-changing” opportunities pass by in fleeting moments.

CARETAKERS:  are notorious for holding the line rigorously, doing nothing radically new (other than a few “Bells & Whistles”).  Any major radical change is a non-starter – too risky and anyway “we’ve been doing things this way successfully for years”.  They absolutely believe as long as they’re not losing ground, they must be winning !  They will give myriad reasons to their shareholders and analysts why none of the following options will work for them or their company, such as; “Our people explored the ecosystem and there’s no independent corroboration” – even as these solutions produce extremely positive results for their Juggernaut competitors !

UNDERTAKERS:  Here are 7 reasons this team SHOULD be the LONG TERM winner using a Winning Option outlined below.

1.     THEIR NEEDS ARE BY FAR THE GREATEST.  (Including virtually all regional mall owners whose tenants are losing to the Juggernauts).

2.       They know they have a problem, but can’t find the solution usually because their mid-level management team is looking in the wrong direction (they prefer Safety – nothing Radical – just more of the same old).

3.     They blame the economy for their current predicament hoping a solution will “mysteriously appear” BEFORE they become the next Borders or Circuit City.

4.      They tried all the new “Mods & Apps” but none changed their overall competitive position.

5.      They tried the “copycat” routine with stunning failure, so they are now “Gun-shy”.  (Why waste more time or money on “copycat” things that simply can’t get you out of the hole?)

6.      As only the senior management team is held to account, overall executive leadership must prevail to be the long term winner.

7.     Since they have KNOWINGLY been under fire so long (12 – 36 months), this leadership team is most likely to prevail considering the low risk and very high reward of the options below.

Winning Options: 3 New “Radical Game-Changers” to Catapult Juggernaut Challengers Ahead Of All Others– with ONE Major Winner:

1.     ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment©) 100% Turnkey In-Store Shopping & Delivery usually within 30 to 45 minutes, 24 / 7 / 365, NATIONWIDE and it is patented.

Orders are assembled and paid for by us at your local store BEFORE we leave.  Delivered price can be the same as in-store price. We handle returns which are reduced to less than 5% from normal 20% - 30% online.

When You Just Can’t Get Out Or Have Other Things To Do®

If FedEx (or UPS) could deliver your online orders at less cost and in 30 to 45 minutes – there would be a line-up of customers on your website because NOBODY LIKES TO WAIT 3 to 10 days for online orders.

Walmart has been doing Next-Day delivery for years in other countries (not 3 to 10 day delivery) and just brought “Walmart-To-Go” to the USA.  Amazon is trying to do the same thing in Seattle as well as promoting nationwide. ROOF enables you to significantly improve upon the Juggernaut’s Next-Day delivery – or even Same-Day.  (And ROOF strategically complements “Order Online with In-Store and/or Curbside Pick-up”.)

2.     SuperCyberCenter© – The Online Marketplace For LOCAL Area Retailers & Restaurants

SuperCyberCenters: HYBRID – Patented – Online –  LOCAL AREA – Marketplaces –  uniquely including ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment) that no other Marketplace offers.
The Last Mile Of The Internet®

Ever wonder what was Amazon’s key growth factor?  Its Marketplace.  Third Party Sellers using Amazon’s trade name for higher traffic and higher sales are now 40% of Amazon’s ONLINE GROWTH and revenues. also is a significant ONLINE Marketplace.   Many “Copycats” have tried in-house Marketplaces against these well-founded and powerful Juggernauts and colossally failed at a huge cost to their brand; such as simply because they had nothing truly unique to offer.  Our SuperCyberCenter with ROOF is so unique, it is patented.


The bar has been raised to a NEW standard in customer service:  Choice, Price & Convenience are the three things all consumers want, need & desire.  The Juggernauts only have the first two – We have all threeConvenience is overall the most important of these three consumer attractions putting the Juggernauts at a huge disadvantage.  Here’s your chance to greatly improve upon the Juggernauts’ overall programs with a powerful NEW patented customer service loyalty program the Juggernauts simply cannot match and cannot copy.

Walmart and Amazon cannot touch this SuperCyberCenter merged with ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment).

Your 3 SuperCyberCenter Winning Options with ROOF (Rapid Online Order Fulfillment):

A.    Your Brand Name Local SuperCyberCenter with ROOF

Ideal for major LOCAL area retailers, restaurants and/or regional malls.

With LOCAL AREA Stores & Restaurants as Third Party Sellers promoting your stores locally and cross-marketing with these major local retailers, with higher profit ratios than your local store.

B.    Your Brand Name Regional SuperCyberCenters with ROOF

Primarily for major REGIONAL retailers, restaurants and/or major regional mall owners.

With LOCAL AREA Stores & Restaurants as Third Party Sellers promoting your stores locally and cross-marketing with these major local retailers, with higher profit ratios than your local store.

C.     Be an Anchor or Regular Tenant in your LOCAL SuperCyberCenter with ROOF

Put your local stores ONLINE where your local customers can go to find local products and get immediate in-store shopping & delivery.

Use the power of well-respected major retailers to draw the premier customers in your LOCAL area to your store (as well as to your website) away from the Juggernauts who have been hurting your sales and profits for years.  Cross-market with other tenants and anchors for mutual recognition, growth and sales.

3.     Master SuperCyberCenter with ROOF INTERNATIONALLY for all SuperCyberCenters – The ONE Overall Long Term Winner.

Perfect choice for a major international company with significant global influence and an exceptional innovative executive management team.

The Ultimate Shopping Convenience®  
EVERYTHING – Delivered In A Flash®
Are you ready to Innovate to Win against Juggernauts with a truly new and fully proven RADICAL Game-Changing Network ?  If yes, please let me know your preferred ‘Winning Option” before September 15 and I will have the appropriate person contact you ASAP.  Your customized Earnings Analysis for your SuperCyberCenter with ROOF “Game-Changer” option is available upon request.

Thank you,


Gail W. Nichols  - Vice Chair

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